International Relations NATO NATO and Canada NATO Operations The Middle East and North Africa

Interviewing Nicola de Santis, NATO’s Head of Middle East and North Africa Section

In this interview Sivan Ghasem asks Mr. Nicola de Santis, head of section of the
Middle East and North division in NATO’s Political Affairs and Security Policy Section about the Mediterranean Dialogue initiative at NATO.

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Europe France Germany NATO Security Security, Trade and the Economy Taylor Allen The United States of America United Kingdom

Alternative Leadership in NATO

In this interesting publication, Taylor Allen forecasts the possibility of a NATO without American leadership amidst serious claims and criticisms from President Donald Trump.

Society, Culture, and Security

Opinion: Helsinki and the Effects of Trump’s Pivot to Russia

The 2018 Helsinki Summit, held between Russia and the United States, indicates a pivot towards Russia by the Trump administration. In this article Junior Research Fellow Adam Zivo shares his thoughts on why that matters and what American Russophilia might mean for the future of Europe.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations

NATO And Colombia: The Emperor’s New Clothes?

In her most recent article, Natalia Valencia writes about the recent announcement of Colombia joining NATO as a ‘global partner’ and what this means for a region that has become wary of not just U.S. hard power and policy toward Latin America, but of Western intervention on the whole.