Ravaged by fighting between rebels and government forces, the interruption to the farming cycle threatens the country with the world’s worst food crisis in decades.
7. Themes
Placeholder for themes
Expulsion and Eviction: Roma Policy in France
Corinne Stancescu examines French policy in regards to Roma communities.
Canada and the Suez Canal Crisis: A New Perspective
Joseph Fiorino looks at the Suez Crisis and what it meant for Canadian foreign policy.
Britain and the F-35
Gabriel Mallows discusses Britain’s procurement headaches with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
Part Three: The Vital Role of Canada’s Overstretched Search and Rescue Helicopter Fleet
In Part three of his series on Canada’s search and rescue capabilities, Stefan Konrad weighs in on the status of Canada’s search and rescue helicopter fleet.
The Islamic State: Following the Money Trail
How has the Islamic State (IS) become the wealthiest organization in the Middle East in such little time? Samir Mourani explains how IS produces enough income to sustain its expansionist agenda.
The Phenomenon of Video Gaming in South Korea
Christian Paas-Lang examines the phenomenon of video gaming as a cultural fixture in South Korea.
A Bruised Thumb and a Stubbed Toe: An Assessment of Ukraine’s Political Leadership during 2013-2014
Kara Chiki asses the Presidencies of Viktor Yanukovych and Petro Poroschenko based on their response to protests, their responsibility for civilian deaths and their economic plans for Ukraine.
A New ‘Big Honking Ship’: Examining the American Options (Part II/V)
In Part II/V, Christopher Cowan discusses the Royal Canadian Navy’s possible American options for the procurement of an amphibious assault ship.
The Logistics of a Superpower
Paul Pryce discusses the importance of naval and air bases to American power projection – and their vulnerability to public opinion.