Kristyn Byrne speaks about the historical forces behind Greece’s rampant tax evasion that has contributed to the country’s debt crisis
Tag: economy
Saudi Arabia Looks North
In the midst of regional turmoil Saudi Arabia explores a new relationship with an unlikely ally, Russia; Hasan Siddiqui explains
Canada and the AIIB: Idleness and Silence Must Be Avoided
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has finally become a reality. In the meantime, Canada has been silent.
Open Borders, Part I: Can Removing Immigration Policies Double World GDP?
In Part One of his two-part series, Christopher Scarvelis discusses a perspective in favor of opening country borders.
Sanctions: Turning Russia Eastward
Kristyn Byrnes discusses how escalating violence in Ukraine is likely to extend Western sanctions against Russia while Putin looks to China for survival.
A Chinese Classic Reflecting the Nature of Modern China
Elliot Cho illustrates the story of heroes featured in the timeless Chinese classic Records of Grand Historian and points its similarities to modern China.
Is China Ready To Stop Copying and Start Creating?
China has been copying foreign technology to boost its economic growth for decades. But now that it’s on the verge of screeching to a halt, it’s time to start being original.
Bearing Down: Modernizing Russia’s Armed Forces
Hasan Siddiqui articulates Russia’s military ambitions, contextualizes it within the broader geopolitical situation in Europe as well as analysing NATO’s attitude towards it.
Will They Stay or Will They Go? The Coming Expatriate Exodus
Victoria examines the possible expatriate exodus from the Gulf region in the Middle East due to increasing security threats and economic instability.
The Implications of an Old China
Jeff Tian discusses how a rapidly ageing population will affect China’s economy and diplomacy.