Margaret analyzes the spectacle and ramifications of China’s recent display of military power
Tag: China
China’s Polar Ascendancy: Exploring Beijing’s Rising Involvement in the Arctic
Sandy Vingoe explores the rise of the Arctic to the forefront of international affairs
The Growth Potential of Indo-Canadian Relations
India represents a vast and severely underdeveloped trade market for Canada.
China’s New Economic Friend
Sukhpal Kaur Sangha exposes China’s rising investments and influence in Latin America.
China’s Ethnic Tensions: Muslim Uighurs Face Deportment
Kristyn Byrne dissects the tension faced by the Uighur community in China
Who’s the Boogyman Under Our Bed?
Our Editors and special contributor, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, debate who poses the greatest threat to global stability: ISIS, Russia or China?
Canada and the AIIB: Idleness and Silence Must Be Avoided
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has finally become a reality. In the meantime, Canada has been silent.
Earth’s Choice: Economic Prosperity or Climate Stability
The question of the decade: Can we continue to prosper economically while combatting climate change? Our editors weigh in.
The Ultimate Global Leaders’ Superlative Quiz
The world is your high school and its leaders, your classmates. It’s time to choose your Class Superlatives with this fun quiz. Judge away!
Outdated Thinking or New Grand Strategy: China, U.S. and Air-Sea Battle
Kevin Hempstead discusses the future of U.S. Armed Forces strategy and the implications of adopting the Air Sea Battle Grand strategy.