Culture Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Diplomatic Relations Global Horizons Human Rights International Law & Policy International Relations Islamic State Jordan Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Refugee Rights Security Society Society, Culture, and Security Syria Technology Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa Zaid Al-Nassir

A Jordanian Response to ISIS: Section II

Section I of this series examined the Jordanian reaction to Lt. Moath Kasasbeh’s execution and concepts of legitimizing military operations through public sentiment in times of crisis. Military action, however, is not a clear-cut path to annihilating this extremist threat.  Contesting ISIS’s influence must not be restricted to sheer military power, and should include ideological Read More…

Africa Brian Merry Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Diplomatic Relations International Law & Policy Latin America Peace & Security Rights Security Society Society, Culture, and Security Western Europe

The Commonwealth: From Mere Association to Strategic Unification

In his latest article, Brian suggests ways in which the Commonwealth’s security could be expanded. The results could foster closer diplomatic ties and ensure long-term viability of the organization.

Culture Diplomatic Relations France Global Horizons Human Rights International Relations Peace & Conflict Studies Rights Society Society, Culture, and Security Stefano Spensieri Terrorism Uncategorized Western Europe

The Issue with the Paris Unity March

The pen is still mightier than the sword according to the 1.6 million people who attended the Paris Unity March on January 11. The death of 12 members of  the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the murder of a further five French citizens by Islamic terrorists, provoked a massive national unity march which was attended Read More…

Africa Asia-Pacific Culture Eastern Europe and Russia Human Rights Kabir Bhatia Rights Society Society, Culture, and Security

The Imperial and Religious Roots of Anti-Homosexuality Legislation in the Global South and Eastern Europe

In his latest article, Kabir Bhatia explores Uganda’s, Goa’s, and Russia’s anti-homosexuality stances, and their roots in the doctrines of the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Canada Culture Kabir Bhatia North Korea Rights Society Society, Culture, and Security The United States of America

Interviewgate: A Tale of the Balance between Freedom of Expression and Security Pre-emption

In his latest article, Kabir Bhatia explores the Sony hack, the controversial film The Interview, and the importance of the continued protection of freedom of expression.

Africa Asia-Pacific Canada Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Global Governance Latin America Malcolm McEachern Rights Security Society Society, Culture, and Security The Middle East and North Africa

The Kenyatta Trial Suggests that the ICC is Still a Work in Progress

In his latest article, Malcolm McEachern discusses the limitations of the International Criminal Court.