Carter Vance Defense Diplomatic Relations Intelligence & National Security Society, Culture, and Security The United States of America

Trump’s Popularity Shows NATO’s Need to Justify Itself

The recent popularity of Donald Trump’s and others anti-NATO platforms marks the need for NATO to convey it’s legitimacy . Carter Vance explains how now more than ever NATO needs to reaffirm its importance to its constituent publics

Investment Marko Gombac Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America

Why you Should Pay Attention to Trump on his Bank Busting Political Strategy

The Republicans are trying to take the role of Bank Reformists away from the Democrats. Marko Gombac explains how this political strategy highlights important problems in the west’s economy

Anthony Galea Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America

The U.S. Presidential Race and the Future of the TPP in America

As the race for the US presidential election narrows down, all the major candidates have attacked the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Anthony Galea explores the future of the world’s largest free trade agreement in the US.

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Human Rights Intelligence & National Security International Law & Policy International Relations Peace & Security Sandra Song Security Technology Terrorism The United States of America United Nations

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems- Changing the Environment of Warfare

Sandra Song discusses the two-sided challenge of the Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and its implications for the future of warfare, as an introduction to Canada’s Defence Perspectives 2020-2050: Recapitalization and the Canadian Forces