The Security, Trade and the Economy program aims to provide Canadians with relevant and accessible analysis on current international economic policies with a focus on Canadian interests and trade security. Additionally, the program examines our country’s commitment to NATO’s mandate of encouraging economic collaboration and eliminating economic conflict.

Asia-Pacific Emilio Angeles Indo-Pacific and NATO Security, Trade and the Economy

Biden and the Comprehensive and Progressive Transpacific Partnership: Challenges for Re-entry

The greatest challenge for Biden in the Pacific may be proving that U.S participation in multilateral-free trade agreements is a necessity and not a luxury. Emilio Angeles writes.

Emilio Angeles Indo-Pacific and NATO Security, Trade and the Economy

The Future of Canada-Japan Relations in the Post-Trump Era

The Canada-Japan relationship is well established but it will face some uncertainty in the coming years. In this article, Emilio Angeles examines the bilateral-relationship and highlights potential areas of contention between the two countries.

Security, Trade and the Economy

Uncertain Alliance: Turkey’s goals in the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the implications for Canada-Turkey relations

Griffin Cornwall examines the role played by Turkey in supporting Azerbaijan in the ongoing conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and how this impacts the defence relationship between Turkey and Canada.

Security, Trade and the Economy

Will the Chinese Renminbi Replace the US Dollar as the International Currency?

The “rise of China” on the international stage is virtually an undisputed fact. Some even speak of China ‘eclipsing’ the United States as the preeminent world power. One element of this would likely involve the replacement of the U.S. dollar by the Renminbi as the international currency. But how likely is this scenario to play out? Lily Jia subjects this hypothesis to analytical rigour.