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NATO and Canada NATO Operations Uncategorized

Eyes East: Bringing “Vostok 2018” into Focus

Russia and China and Mongolia, oh my! Russia recently conducted its largest war games since Soviet times, in Siberia, and Chinese and Mongolian units participated. What should NATO make of this? Justin Dell argues that these exercises are probably more about Russian self-assertion in the Far East than about building a Russian-Chinese axis of autocracy.

Canadian Armed Forces

The Ongoing Mental Health Battle Amongst Canadian Soldiers

Efficient mental-health programs can have a significant impact on the psychological well-being of soldiers. In this article, Stephanie Gomes provides a more thorough explanation of these programs, while also encouraging more efforts to be made on the part of the Department of National Defence as well as Canadians.

Canadian Armed Forces Isabelle Ava-Pointon

Divvying Up the Caspian Sea

The recently-signed Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea has the potential for far-reaching effects, both in the region and throughout Europe. The way this decades-old dispute was solved With security, energy, legal and economic issues at play, it is important to understand what has been resolved, and what is still at stake.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Special Report on NATO and Russia: The More Things Change

The collapse of communism, signalled by the breakup of the USSR in 1991, was a welcome development for the democratic world. However, it did not have the potential to change the relationship between NATO and Russia as much as might have been hoped, as Justin Dell explains in this special report.

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Europe France Germany NATO Security Security, Trade and the Economy Taylor Allen The United States of America United Kingdom

Alternative Leadership in NATO

In this interesting publication, Taylor Allen forecasts the possibility of a NATO without American leadership amidst serious claims and criticisms from President Donald Trump.

Canada cyber security Intelligence & National Security NATO and Canada Russia

Russia, Cyber-warfare and Canada’s Democracy

In today’s day and age, the battlefields of war and the boundaries of conflict have changed significantly. Conflict can manifest in various forms – hot wars, cold wars, trade wars, and most recently cyberwar. Digital attacks have the capacity to cripple a states infrastructure from thousands of kilometers away. The internet has become a new Read More…

Energy & Resources Energy Security

Energy Conflicts Threaten The East Mediterranean

The continuing news about the Syrian Civil War tends to obscure the emergence of the East Mediterranean basin as a potentially significant energy-producing region,   where military clashes in coming months cannot be ruled out. Recent energy-related success stories in the region include Egypt’s offshore gas discoveries and the continuing growth of Israel’s offshore gas projects, Read More…