A list of authors, past and present

Asia-Pacific Diplomatic Relations Security, Trade and the Economy Yun Sik (James) Hwang

The Asian Web: A New Perspective with the Consul General of Japan in Toronto

In this series of podcast interviews, Yun Sik (James) Hwang interviews the Consul General of Japan in Toronto, Her Excellency Takako Ito about her personal experience as a diplomat, Japan-Canada relations, and Japan’s foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region.

Asia-Pacific Republic of Korea Security, Trade and the Economy Yun Sik (James) Hwang

What to Expect from the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics

The Republic of Korea previously held the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics and a joint 2002 FIFA World Cup. Yun Sik (James) Hwang explores how the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics will compare to South Korea’s previous efforts to diffuse tensions.

Daniel Park NATO and Canada NATO Operations

An Alarming Need for a New Approach to the North Korean Question

Looking back, the thought of a North Korean nuclear warhead being in reach of Guam, let alone the continental United States, was far-fetched and easily dismissible. But now, more than ever, Pyongyang’s threat of engulfing Washington, D.C. in a “sea of fire” is a legitimate prospect. The U.S. and her allies, having made no real Read More…