A list of authors, past and present

Global Governance Global Horizons International Law & Policy International Relations Legal Editor NATO Peace & Security Projecting Politics Taylor Allen

Reworking the legal frameworks of the North Atlantic Treaty

Does NATO’s legal framework need updating? Analyst and program editor Taylor Allen seeks to address this fundamental question amidst criticisms of the organizations relevance and effectiveness.

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

The Southern Gas Corridor in 2018 and Prospects for 2019

This article is an end-of-year review looking at the EU’s and Turkey’s position in three potential maritime conflict situations: first, the Caspian Sea basin; and then the Black Sea and East Mediterranean basins together. The most significant development in Caspian Sea energy in 2018 was the signature of the Convention on the Status of the Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Ryan Atkinson

Spying for Gadhafi: The Foreign Export of Surveillance Capabilities to Libya

In this article, Analyst and Editor Ryan Atkinson outlines the pervasive surveillance technologies used by the Gadhafi regime to spy on Libya’s population. Previously secret archives discovered after the fall of Tripoli in 2011 reveal the extent of the export of such technologies to the regime by foreign corporations.

Changsung Lee Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Can A Multilateral Security Organization, Modeled on NATO, Be Established in Northeast Asia?

NATO has always been a collective defence organization, aimed at repelling an external threat to Alliance members. However, ever since the Harmel Report of 1967, and certainly since the end of the Cold War, NATO’s purview has widened to include a much more prominent diplomatic role, related to a much broader understanding of what constitutes a security concern, without compromising its original mission. Changsung Lee considers whether this latter-day understanding of NATO’s purpose might serve as a template for a future multilateral security structure in Northeast Asia that could facilitate a rules-based order in that region, and perhaps help catalyze the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

Canada Defense Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Global Horizons International Law & Policy International Relations NATO NATO and Canada NATO Operations Naval Issues Projecting Politics Security Taylor Allen The United States of America Ukraine Western Europe

Testing NATO’s limits: Actionable Policy vs. Deterrence and Soft Power

Is NATO doing enough? In this comprehensive piece, analyst and program editor Taylor Allen critically analyzes bilateral relations between NATO and Russia amidst growing tensions over the past decade.

Julia Schaumer Women in Security

16 Days Campaign: Interview with Commodore Rebecca Patterson

For NAOC’s final contribution to the 16 Days Campaign, Julia Schaumer has sat down with Commodore Rebecca Patterson to find out a little more about Operation HONOUR and what the Canadian Armed Forces are doing about the issue of sexual misconduct in the military.

Centre For Disinformation Studies Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Ryan Atkinson

Truth Makes You Free: A Special Report on Countering the Threat of Disinformation

In this special report, Ryan Atkinson outlines the problem disinformation poses to NATO, including an overview of the major steps member states are taking to counter the evolving threat.

Editors' Forum Julia Schaumer Justin Dell Marian Corera Ryan Atkinson

Regions in Review: Is Canada Taking Arctic Security Seriously?

The NATO Association of Canada’s program editors look at the Arctic as a region of growing strategic significance and consider if Canada, in particular, is giving it the security focus is deserves, either militarily, economically, or environmentally.