A list of authors, past and present

Society, Culture, and Security Vedran Kuljanin

Why Kosovo Matters: What the West Doesn’t Understand About the Balkans- Part III

In the final piece to his “What the West Doesn’t Understand About the Balkans” series, Vedran Kuljanin looks at why Kosovo is an important piece of land to both Albanians and Serbians alike and how the West misdiagnoses the problems present.

Jenny Yang Society, Culture, and Security Uncategorized

The 2016 GLOBSEC Global Security Forum: The Year of Migration

The 11th annual GLOBSEC Global Security Forum took place in Bratislava from April 15th to 17th 2016. Although radicalization, energy security, Brexit, Syria, and the Warsaw Summit were discussed, the migration crisis was the one theme that dominated the agenda.