Indo-Pacific and NATO Katherine Todd

Canada’s Need For A Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian And Chinese Threats

On August 26, 2022, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about Russia and China’s investments and intentions to build military, commercial, and industrial capacities in the Arctic. This is not new information. Russia and China made their Arctic strategies publicly available in 2009 and 2018, respectively. News articles frequently detail their interests and successes in the region. Despite this, Canada has Read More…

Society, Culture, and Security

Stoltenberg’s Warning for Canada

In late August, 2022, Canada hosted NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on a two-day visit to Alberta and Nunavut. He toured the Canadian High Arctic Research Station, the North Warning System Site, and met with First Nations leaders and CAF personnel. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accompanied him on his visit and spoke about Canada’s commitment to NATO and Read More…

Canada Defense Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Estonia Europe France Germany Global Governance International Relations Lithuania NATO NATO and Canada Russia Scandinavia Security The United States of America Trevor Schenk Uncategorized Western Europe

Three Minutes to Midnight: Russian Aggression, NATO Expansion and the Constant Wrestling Match Between Fear and Hope.

Three Minutes to Doomsday, Russian Aggression, NATO expansion and the implications of Russian and NATO buildup in Eastern Europe.