Women Women in Security Wu Xiao

The Invisible Struggle of Female Migrant Domestic Workers

The recent confession of a Cyprian army officer murdering five migrant women and two children reopened the dialogue of migrant domestic workers’ (MDW) invisible fight against exploitation and human rights violations. Many juxtapose the MDW industry to modern day slavery. Common mistreatment MDW face include: inadequate or withheld wages, unregulated work hours, confiscation of personal identification, forced labour, physical/verbal abuse, and sexual harassment.

Mitchell Haid Security, Trade and the Economy

Where is Greece Now? An Examination of the Debt Crisis

As its debt continues to grow, Greece must avoid defaulting on debt repayments by securing an additional bailout package from its international creditors. Mitchell Haid examines the severity of Greece’s debt crisis and the approach its European and international partners are taking.

Nilum Panesar Security, Trade and the Economy

Budget 2017: The Good and the Bad in Healthcare for Indigenous Communities and Health Researchers

Canada is globally praised for its universal, inclusive healthcare. Yet the federal budget for 2017 continues to grapple with health issues plaguing Canadian stakeholders, and some needs are addressed better than others.

Security, Trade and the Economy Sravani Mamillapalli

Breathing Easy: China’s anti-pollution policy

2013 was referred to by Chinese citizens as the year of the “airpocalypse”, with approximately 62% of Chinese cities suffering from high air pollution levels. Chinese environmentalists issued their first “red alert” in 24 cities early January 2017 following dangerously polluted breathing conditions in Beijing. Air quality testers in China, which typically reflect “orange” or Read More…