Carter Vance Criminal Justice Latin America Security, Trade and the Economy Uncategorized

Brazil’s New Government is Playing with Fire and the World May Get Burned

The interim government of Brazil, led by former Vice-president Michel Temer, is sparking unrest by proposing unpopular reforms. Carter Vance explains why the government is overstepping its mandate and how the unrest could affect the world 7th largest economy.

Jenny Yang Society, Culture, and Security Uncategorized

The 2016 GLOBSEC Global Security Forum: The Year of Migration

The 11th annual GLOBSEC Global Security Forum took place in Bratislava from April 15th to 17th 2016. Although radicalization, energy security, Brexit, Syria, and the Warsaw Summit were discussed, the migration crisis was the one theme that dominated the agenda.

Europe France Marko Gombac Security, Trade and the Economy Uncategorized

The EU’s Swan Song: Labor Reform in France and the Divisiveness of Belt-Tightening

France is in a state of emergency, but not due to terror threats. Marko Gombac discusses what labor Reforms and Riots in the Third largest EU economy mean for the stability of the Union