Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross becomes the first “three leaf” general in the Canadian Armed Forces. This appointment comes alongside the uncovered reports of sexual misconduct in the CF.
Assessing America’s Strategic Options toward China, Part IV: Integration
In the fourth of of a seven-part series, Michael Lumbers examines America’s future strategic options toward China.
I’m a Steamroller Baby, and I Wear Camo Too
Victoria examines the role of women in the military through an interactive presentation. Take a virtual stroll through several countries and learn about the women who are shattering stereotypes.
The Multifaceted Value of Visa Liberalization
Matt Korda analyzes the outcome of the Eastern Partnership summit in Riga and explores the physical and psychological effects of visa-free regimes.
Fear, Pain and Coercion: A Breakdown of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (Part II)
In Part II of an eight article series, Sandra Song summarizes the physical and psychological Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, and the effects they have on detainees.
Fear, Pain and Coercion: An Introduction to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (Part I)
In the first part of an eight article series, Stefan Konrad explores the moral and legal dilemmas of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.
Canada’s Next Submarine Hunters?
Paul Pryce examines the potential role drones can play in securing Canada’s waters against the incursion of submarines and other vessels.
Ukraine’s Military: A Work in Progress
Hasan Siddiqui provides an overview of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ current situation and gives insight into its future endeavours.
A Tightrope of Commitment: UNSCR 1325
Maria Baginska examines the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and questions the international community’s commitment to women’s involvement in security negotiations, as well as their overall rights.
Europe’s Migration Crisis: What are the Best Options?
Kevin Hempstead discusses the recent developments in Europe’s migration crisis and what the best options are going forward.