Middle East Region

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Maritime Nation Naval Issues Paul Pryce The Middle East and North Africa

Algeria’s Maritime Push

The Algerian National Navy has been on a buying frenzy in recent years, amassing a significant maritime force. In September 2014, representing the culmination of a longer term procurement project, Italy’s Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) delivered Algeria’s new flagship, an 8,800-tonne amphibious assault ship called the Kalaat Beni-Abbes. But newer projects than OSN’s are currently Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Islamic State Kabir Bhatia Peace & Conflict Studies Security Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa Women in Security

Understanding the Contradictions of the Islamist Jihad Part II:The Moral, Jurisprudential, and Philosophical Contradictions

Kabir Bhatia argues that the Islamist Jihad lacks legitimacy due to its violation of Just War principles, Quranic text, and the Hegelian logic of duality.

Afghanistan Development Human Rights International Relations NATO Peace & Security Rights Saman Rejali Saman Rejali Security The Middle East and North Africa Women in Security

The Battle over Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

Saman Rejali argues that while women’s rights served as a legitimizing force for the war in Afghanistan, Afghan women continue to be left out of the post-war decision-making processes affecting their lives.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Development Health Jordan Michael Philips Refugee Rights Syria The Middle East and North Africa

Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Loss of Free Healthcare and Recurrent Deportations

In his latest article, Michael explores Jordan’s capacity to absorb refugees fleeing Syria’s war and to provide adequate health care and education services.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Iraq Peace & Conflict Studies Rights Security Sophia Alifirova Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America

US Senate intelligence committee report: CIA “enhanced interrogation tactics” are not what American values stand for

The first 500 pages reveal “brutal” interrogation tactics used on terror suspects by the CIA. The Agency also stands accused of hiding its practices from the US government.