The Expanding Community program at the NAOC has three aims. First, the program seeks to explore the growth of the NATO alliance, prospective members and relationship with partners. Secondly, it looks at human rights issues and its effects on NATO member and partner countries. Thirdly, it features Canada’s global connections, including our links to other nations on a bilateral basis, and the role Canada plays within international and multilateral institutions. Check back regularly for original articles, as well as links to related news, blog posts and videos from around the world.

Canada Climate Change Culture Defence Spending Defense Diplomatic Relations Expanding Community Global Governance International Law & Policy International Relations Matthew Rae Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Security United Nations

Canada- A New Honest Broker

Matthew Rae discusses the role of the ‘Honest Broker’ in International Relations, and the Canadian government’s approach to returning to ‘Pearsonian’ foreign affairs.

David Hunter Defense Expanding Community International Relations NATO Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Russia Security Society Terrorism Uncategorized

The “New Cold War”: Pt. 1

Russia recently produced an image of a secret nuclear warhead capable of devastating the United States with a 500ft tsunami able to destroy every living thing within 1000 miles. It was of course just “a leak”. If history has anything to say, however, it is very likely that this was a premeditated strategic military move. Read More…

Asia-Pacific Canada Central Asia China cyber security Defense Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Europe Expanding Community France Germany Iran Jenny Yang NATO NGOs Peace & Security Russia Security Society Spain Terrorism The Arctic The United States of America Ukraine Western Europe

NATO and the New Arc of Crisis Conference

A Conference entitled ‘NATO and the New Arc of Crisis’ took place on October 28 and 29 in Madrid, the NATO Association of Canada thanks YATA, the Real Instituto Elcano, and the Fundación Botín for their efforts in organizing this fruitful conference.

Africa Eastern Europe and Russia Egypt Estonia Europe Expanding Community France Germany Islamic State Jenny Yang Libya NATO Russia Security Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

How to synchronize Eastern and Southern perceptions of security threats to the Alliance

To the east, Poland, the Baltics, and Romania face threats of hybrid conflict coming from a revanchist Russia. To the south, allies such as Italy and Greece prioritize maritime security across the Mediterranean.