As the world’s prominent powers rush towards progressing artificial intelligence, Maria Pepelassis analyzes the motivation for achieving dominance in this new frontier.
Tag: United States
Fulcrum of Hegemony: Investment Battle in Sri Lanka Marks Return of US Soft Power Agenda in Asia
Sri Lanka is currently the geopolitical fulcrum between the East and the West. Dominant states in their respective regions have utilized foreign direct investment as a tool of soft power to assert influence in Sri Lanka. Investor states have funded development initiatives, believing the compounded interest of good will, will pay strategic dividends for securing Read More…
An Uncertain Future: American Involvement in European Security Through NATO
With the rise of Russian aggression, the US must be willing to act multilaterally with its European partners and be able to project stability beyond its own borders. Jayson Derow discusses the vital interests of the US in a Europe that is democratic, stable, robust, and undivided.
Nous avons gagné la bataille, mais nous avons perdu la guerre
Les États-Unis n’ont pas changé après le 11 septembre. Au contraire, il est devenu plus de lui-même. Jayson Derow soutient que l’administration Bush a utilisé le 11 septembre pour légitimer l’expansion de la puissance américaine afin d’assurer sa suprématie militaire et économique.
Securitizing US Foreign Policy: The Rise of Militarism in American Diplomacy
Although securitization has provided the US military a broader role and influence, Jayson Derow analyzes the resulting imbalance of resources and authority in US foreign policy management.
Another Tweet, Another Ban: Transgender Discrimination in the U.S Armed Forces
Helin Alcinkaya explores President Donald Trump’s recent decision to ban all transgender military personnel in the U.S Armed Forces.
Where do LGBT Perspectives Fit within the NATO Narrative?
To honour LGBT month, the turbulent experiences of identifying service men and women are acknowledged, while the paranoia surrounding their service are debunked. The accession of prospective nations into the Alliance raises the question of whether the LGBT inclusion status of a nation is a factor worth considering for membership. And if it should be, can religious affiliation influence the security and defence commitments of NATO members?
Anti-Americanism in Turkey: An Opportunity for the United States
Aidan Simardone explores why an upsurge in anti-American sentiment in Turkey can actually benefit the security of the United States’ over its nuclear weapons.
NATO’s Future in Sub-Saharan African and the South China Sea
Karl Ngo investigates what a shift in NATO’s direction would mean to its current military support in Sub-Saharan Africa and its possible involvement in the South China Sea territorial dispute.
The Internet of Things Will Be Marvelous and Frightening
The Internet of Things combined with Big Data presents a new paradigm that offers unprecedented potential for improving life, but also poses serious challenges for security, privacy, justice, and democracy.