Iraq Jayson Derow NATO and Canada NATO Operations The United States of America

Nous avons gagné la bataille, mais nous avons perdu la guerre

Les États-Unis n’ont pas changé après le 11 septembre. Au contraire, il est devenu plus de lui-même. Jayson Derow soutient que l’administration Bush a utilisé le 11 septembre pour légitimer l’expansion de la puissance américaine afin d’assurer sa suprématie militaire et économique.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Defense Diplomatic Relations Jayson Derow The United States of America

Securitizing US Foreign Policy: The Rise of Militarism in American Diplomacy

Although securitization has provided the US military a broader role and influence, Jayson Derow analyzes the resulting imbalance of resources and authority in US foreign policy management.

Expanding Community irma shaboian

Where do LGBT Perspectives Fit within the NATO Narrative?

To honour LGBT month, the turbulent experiences of identifying service men and women are acknowledged, while the paranoia surrounding their service are debunked. The accession of prospective nations into the Alliance raises the question of whether the LGBT inclusion status of a nation is a factor worth considering for membership. And if it should be, can religious affiliation influence the security and defence commitments of NATO members?

Expanding Community Philip Rafalko

Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum

Erdogan’s victory in the referendum shows the power of a leader channeling the national interest to take back the state. It is another expression of the populist trend sweeping across the Atlantic and the European continent and positions Erdogan closer to Nigel Farage, Donald Trump or Marine Le Pen than it does to Arab dictators in neighbouring Middle-Eastern countries.