Jackob Nicolas Society, Culture, and Security

NATO’s Fate Under a Second Trump Presidency: Arguments Against Hopelessness and Fatalism

In many NATO member states, the United States’ impending presidential election is a major source of uncertainty and anxiety. Donald Trump’s recent comments at a campaign rally in South Carolina, suggesting that he would encourage the Russians to “do whatever the hell they want” to NATO allies that did not meet the alliance’s 2% of Read More…

Gleb Adamovych Society, Culture, and Security

Polarization Blues

Despite the world being interconnected in a way it has never been, civilization finds itself torn apart by civil strife and disagreement. “Polarization” is the word of the day, and it has hit Canada hard. Recent years have seen the issue reflected in the rise of hate crimes, distrust of the government, and general violence. Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Jake Rooke Uncategorized

Tides of Power: China’s Potential Strategic Dominance in Shipbuilding and Its Influence on Naval Power for the U.S.

China has a significant position in global commercial shipbuilding and its control is growing, granting it a formidable strategic industrial advantage in modernizing and expanding the capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). This is important as the PLAN’s modernization, in numerical and tonnage, combined with its intention to move beyond a littoral naval Read More…

NATO and Canada

NATO Historical Series – Winning the Cold War

As NATO’s seventy-fifth anniversary approaches, the alliance finds itself confronted by Russian revanchism and invasions in Eastern Europe, growing anti-Western alliances in Asia, and tenuous and uncertain political trends in many member nations. Yet to NATO, this is familiar territory – much of the same dynamics are occurring now as during the Cold War (1947-91), Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

China’s Ascendance: Its History and Hazards – Part 1: China’s Rising Influence

In recent decades, China has established itself as a nation with global interests and the ability to fundamentally affect world order. In the past, the international community was more passive about China’s ascent. However, now that the West is becoming more aware of China’s growing power, the question naturally arises: Is China a threat? Some commentators claim that China’s Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Mark Davis Madarang Pablo North Korea Nuclear Deterrence South Korea United States of America

Special Report: Should South Korea Get Nukes? The Rise of Nuclear Popularity and the Quest for Strategic Stability on the Korean Peninsula

Abstract: Given North Korea’s recent advancement in its nuclear weapons development program, should South Korea finally acquire the nuclear bomb? In this article, Program Editor Mark Davis Madarang Pablo analyzes the prospects of Seoul becoming a nuclear-armed state and provides policy options for the United States and the broader NATO Plus Alliance to assist in Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

Mad Cow Disease – A Threat to Global Health and Food Security

Canada’s food crisis has been ongoing, with around 5.8 million Canadians experiencing some extent of food insecurity in 2021 alone. However, with the potential re-emergence of mad cow disease, this food insecurity could take another drastic turn. It was thought that we had seen the last of mad cow disease after the epidemic in the Read More…

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Centre For Disinformation Studies cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security NATO and Canada NATO Operations Operations Security Technology The United States of America Uncategorized

Summer 2023 NATO Association of Canada-Canadian Army Journal Co-Publication Released

The NATO Association of Canada is pleased to announce the publication of its summer 2023 publication, Cutting through the Haze: Grey Zone Operations and Contemporary Threats. Produced in collaboration with the Canadian Army Journal (CAJ), the volume explores grey zone operations and other dimensions of today’s threat landscape. The grey zone, which the volume describes Read More…

NATO and Canada

To What Extent Is the NATO-Russia Founding Act Being Violated?

The NATO-Russia Founding Act, signed in 1997, established a framework for NATO-Russia cooperation and outlined mutual respect and cooperation principles. This commitment includes recognising the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of all states in the Euro-Atlantic region (including Ukraine) and refraining from using or threatening to use force against any state actor. In particular, Section Read More…