In the final installment of a three-part series, Jenny looks at “countering disinformation campaigns” during the Cold War, and the lessons we can learn from them.
Tag: History
Regional Cooperation In The South Caucasus: Reality Or A Pipe Dream?
Matt Korda analyzes how the Caucasian pipeline network explains and drives the politics of the South Caucasus.
The Long Tradition of ‘Swedish Neutrality’ May Change
Elliot Cho presents an overview of Sweden’s challenge in confronting Russian aggression and how the challenges may prompt Sweden to revise its ‘neutral state’ status
A Chinese Classic Reflecting the Nature of Modern China
Elliot Cho illustrates the story of heroes featured in the timeless Chinese classic Records of Grand Historian and points its similarities to modern China.
WARNING: This Post Should Make You Uncomfortable
UN Peacekeepers have once again been accused of sexual assault while deployed. Unfortunately, as women, we know our value in a male-dominated world, even at our most vulnerable.