UN Peacekeepers have once again been accused of sexual assault while deployed. Unfortunately, as women, we know our value in a male-dominated world, even at our most vulnerable.
Can al-Qaeda Shed Its Radical Image?
Kevin Hempstead discusses the changing dynamics of al-Qaeda with the rise of the Islamic State.
Hotel Canada: You Can’t Check-Out Anytime You Like, But You Can Definitely Leave
Victoria looks at the ramifications from Bill C-24 and the recent changes to the Citizenship Act in Canada. Is a guarantee of “loyalty” important for citizenship?
NATO HQ Sarajevo Welcomes A New Commander: Stand Back, It’s a Woman.
On June 10, 2015, U.S. Army Brig. Gen Giselle Wilz became the first female commander and Senior Military Representative of the NATO HQ Sarajevo.
Facing the Black Flag: Nationalism and Retribution Amongst Kurdish Women
Exploring the convergence of the Kurdish nationalist cause and solidarity with women who have fallen victim to IS for Kurdish women fighting on the front lines in Iraq.
Beyond the Faces of Canada’s Leading Warriors- An Interview with Gertrude Kearns
Sandra Song interviews Canadian war artist, Gertrude Kearns, and discusses her featured exhibition, The Art of Command, at the Fort York Visitor Centre.
South Korea’s Defence Reforms: Planning to Fail?
Paul Pryce takes a critical look at South Korea’s Defence Reform Plan 2020 and its possible implications for Korean unification.
What Are the Options for Security Council Reform?
Vanessa Hayford untangles the complex web of competing proposals for Security Council reform.
“Little Ladies Shouldn’t Play With Swords”
Victoria looks at the reality in the fantasy world of Game of Thrones. Women in both the show and reality, are often used as pawns in war and conflict.
Bearing Down: Modernizing Russia’s Armed Forces
Hasan Siddiqui articulates Russia’s military ambitions, contextualizes it within the broader geopolitical situation in Europe as well as analysing NATO’s attitude towards it.