Placeholder for themes

Canada cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Human Rights Jenny Yang Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Security Society, Culture, and Security Technology Terrorism

CSE and Project LEVITATION: Is Big Data a Deterrent to Terrorism?

Jenny Yang discusses the CSE’s bulk collection of data and explores notions of the collaboration of big data analytics and national defense policy.

Asia-Pacific China Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Energy & Resources Global Horizons John Pollock Maritime Nation Naval Issues Security Security, Trade and the Economy Uncategorized

Tensions in the South China Sea Mark China’s Growing Regional Influence

John Pollock discusses the highly contested area of the South China Sea and the power China is exerting in the region.

Africa Boko Haram Global Horizons Kabir Bhatia Nigeria Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Terrorism

Nigerians Set to Hit the Polls, Amidst Growing Violence Part II: The Candidates’ Profiles

In Part two of a two-part series on Nigeria’s upcoming elections, Kabir profiles Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari, the leading presidential candidates.

Africa Brian Merry Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Diplomatic Relations International Law & Policy Latin America Peace & Security Rights Security Society Society, Culture, and Security Western Europe

The Commonwealth: From Mere Association to Strategic Unification

In his latest article, Brian suggests ways in which the Commonwealth’s security could be expanded. The results could foster closer diplomatic ties and ensure long-term viability of the organization.