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Marko Gombac Saudi Arabia Security, Trade and the Economy The Middle East and North Africa

Oil Cartel Kingdom: Saudi Arabia Plans to take State Oil Company Public

Saudi Arabia has expressed interest in public listing its state owned oil company Aramco. The value is set at $2 trillion, but why now? Marko Gombac explains how the world oil market and its realities are forcing the cartel king’s hand

Central Asia Diplomatic Relations Europe Immigration Marko Gombac Security, Trade and the Economy

The Weaponization of Populations: What Erdogan’s strong-arming means for the European Project

Erdogan has threatened to drop out of the migrant deal should the EU not grant visa-free travel to Turkish citizens by October. Marko Gombac explores how the weaponization of populations sets a dangerous precedent for a Europe in crisis

Carter Vance Defense Diplomatic Relations Intelligence & National Security Society, Culture, and Security The United States of America

Trump’s Popularity Shows NATO’s Need to Justify Itself

The recent popularity of Donald Trump’s and others anti-NATO platforms marks the need for NATO to convey it’s legitimacy . Carter Vance explains how now more than ever NATO needs to reaffirm its importance to its constituent publics

China Development Eastern Europe and Russia Energy & Resources Marko Gombac Security, Trade and the Economy The Middle East and North Africa

Progress on China’s New Silk Road sets path for Prosperity and Economic Integration

China’s OneBelt, OneRoad initiative is building massive infrastructure projects throughout Eurasia. Marko Gombac examines how China plans to bring economic prosperity and stability to a tumultuous region.

Investment Marko Gombac Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America

Why you Should Pay Attention to Trump on his Bank Busting Political Strategy

The Republicans are trying to take the role of Bank Reformists away from the Democrats. Marko Gombac explains how this political strategy highlights important problems in the west’s economy