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Iraq Jayson Derow NATO and Canada NATO Operations The United States of America

Nous avons gagné la bataille, mais nous avons perdu la guerre

Les États-Unis n’ont pas changé après le 11 septembre. Au contraire, il est devenu plus de lui-même. Jayson Derow soutient que l’administration Bush a utilisé le 11 septembre pour légitimer l’expansion de la puissance américaine afin d’assurer sa suprématie militaire et économique.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Defense Diplomatic Relations Jayson Derow The United States of America

Securitizing US Foreign Policy: The Rise of Militarism in American Diplomacy

Although securitization has provided the US military a broader role and influence, Jayson Derow analyzes the resulting imbalance of resources and authority in US foreign policy management.

Canada Mathew Z. Borden NATO and Canada

Lessons from the Canada-Spain Turbot War: A Cautionary Tale of Multilateral Governance

In 1995, Canada and Spain entered into a maritime dispute off the eastern coast of Canada. Canadian warships intercepted and seized Spanish fishing vessels not obeying the quotas of multilateral institutions tasked with fostering intergovernmental cooperation in the area. This conflict, dubbed the Turbot War, is an example of Canada use of unilateral force when multilateralism fell short. Lessons from this case should be applied to the changing Far North.

Expanding Community Latin America Megan Robinson

Who to Trust in Latin American Politics? Part 1

This is the first in a two-part series exploring corruption in the politics of Latin America. This article touches on the depth of recent corruption scandals in Brazil. Part 2 will address the far-reaching effects of those scandals throughout the region.   In December 2016, 15,000 people marched the streets in Sao Paulo to fight Read More…