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Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Serbian Citizenship: A Solution to the Kosovo Dispute

Twenty years ago, bloodshed in Kosovo was halted by NATO intervention. However, ethnic tensions between Albanians and Serbs continue to haunt that young country. Many Serbs in North Kosovo culturally identify with neighbouring Serbia, and some Balkan leaders have proposed partition as the solution. Aidan Simardone argues that a better solution can be found in transnational citizenship for Serbs.

Michelle Verbeek Women in Security

Interview with Filomena Tassi, Minister of Seniors

The Honourable Filomena Tassi is the Member of Parliament for the riding of Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas, and was appointed Minister of Seniors in July 2018. In this interview with Michelle Verbeek (Program Editor for Women in Security and current Munk MGA candidate) Minister Tassi speaks on the opportunities within her new appointment, her career path, and advice for other politically driven women.

Culture Iran Iraq ISIS Sivan Ghasem Society, Culture, and Security The Middle East and North Africa Uncategorized

Iranian interest in Iraq and ramifications on NATO

In this article, Sivan Ghasem highlights Iran’s role in Iraq and the current umbrella of militia’s that operate under Iran’s direction. She underscores the measures of hard and soft power executed by the Iranian regime and how this could effect relations with NATO.