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Julia Schaumer Women in Security

La crise vénézuélienne a un visage féminin

Au cours des cinq dernières années, l’état du Venezuela a continué de se détériorer; laissant sa population faire face à une urgence humanitaire. Dans cet article, Julia Schaumer souligne comment les femmes ont particulièrement ressenti les effets de cette grave crise économique.

Justin Dell Ryan Atkinson Society, Culture, and Security

Donald Stovel Macdonald: Fixture of the Canadian Political Landscape

The NATO Association of Canada had the privilege of having the late Honourable Donald Stovel Macdonald (1932-2018) as its Chairman from 1998 to 2003. NAOC Program Editors, Ryan Atkinson and Justin Dell, look back on Macdonald’s life and the impact it had on the NATO Association of Canada and the Canadian people as a whole.