Over a year ago, on February 15, 2012, two Italian marines on board the oil tanker Enrica Lexie, shot and killed two Indian fishermen off the coast of the Arabian Sea near the Indian state of Kerala. A series of events that followed in the past year has now led to the Indian government’s refusal Read More…
4. Programs
placeholder for programs
Ottawa Citizen: Canada Made Trade Push As Gadhafi Fled
Documents show Tories sought to protect investment in Libya.
Trading Humans for Robots: The Battle Against Roadside Bombs in Afghanistan and Iraq
Aaron Willschick takes a look at the technological evolution of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars and the use of bomb ‘sniffing’ robots that are saving the lives of many soldiers.
CBC News: Defence Department Bracing for Tight Budget Thursday
Planning documents obtained by The Canadian Press suggest $32 million reduction
Ottawa Citizen : Civilian Employers Recognized For Support of Canadian Forces Reserves
The Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) recognized fifteen civilian employers and educators for their support to Canada’s Reserve Force at a ceremony at Nova Scotia’s Government House on March 7, 2013.
International Condemnation of the North Korean Nuclear Test: Firmness in the Face of Insanity?
On February 12, 2013, North Korea conducted its third nuclear test. This article examines North Korean actions and rhetoric in the aftermath of the test, and the impact of international sanctions.
Re-defining NATO’s Role in Energy Security: Far more than just ‘boots on the ground’
Energy has become a growing concern for international security as new risks are posed by the suspension or shortage of global energy resources. The need to maintain safe, reliable and adequate energy supplies will be an increasing priority of the 21st century. As former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton explained during an address Read More…
India, the Arctic and Canada: A Geopolitical Waltz
At first glance, India might raise some questions as to why it would have an interest in the Arctic, being located in South Asia and having nearly an entire ocean to itself. However, a deeper examination will reveal that India has very good reasons to pay attention to the Arctic: environmental and economic, both of Read More…
Toronto Star: Toronto Rock Cheerleader as Tough as the Players
Keli Carneiro has faced a life of adversity, and just joined the Royal Canadian Military Reserves
The Connected Forces Initiative: NATO’s (Im)practical Road to Interoperability
Aaron Willschick takes a look at NATO’s Connected Forces Initiative and the major difficulties that go along with building interoperability within an alliance of self-interested members.