Energy has become a growing concern for international security as new risks are posed by the suspension or shortage of global energy resources. The need to maintain safe, reliable and adequate energy supplies will be an increasing priority of the 21st century. As former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton explained during an address Read More…
4. Programs
placeholder for programs
India, the Arctic and Canada: A Geopolitical Waltz
At first glance, India might raise some questions as to why it would have an interest in the Arctic, being located in South Asia and having nearly an entire ocean to itself. However, a deeper examination will reveal that India has very good reasons to pay attention to the Arctic: environmental and economic, both of Read More…
Toronto Star: Toronto Rock Cheerleader as Tough as the Players
Keli Carneiro has faced a life of adversity, and just joined the Royal Canadian Military Reserves
The Connected Forces Initiative: NATO’s (Im)practical Road to Interoperability
Aaron Willschick takes a look at NATO’s Connected Forces Initiative and the major difficulties that go along with building interoperability within an alliance of self-interested members.
Harper Government Announces support for Strengthening Economic Ties with South Eastern European Economies
On March 1st, Parliamentary Secretary Keddy highlighted the Government of Canada’s ambitious trade expansion plan as well as Canadian investment and expertise at work in Southeastern Europe’s industrial, infrastructure, mining and agricultural sectors.
From the Sea to the Dinner Table: Maritime Issues and National Identity
A recent sign posted on the window of a Beijing restaurant refuses to serve certain nationalities due to current international maritime disputes between state actors. Sarah Danruo Wang analyzes how historic disputes on sea (and on land) shape national identity and loyalty.
Huffington Post: New Canadian Generals Coming Amid Military Shakeup
A major shakeup is in the offing amid the senior ranks of the Canadian military.
Canada’s Turn to Lead the Arctic: Focus and Priorities
As Sweden cedes its two-year leadership of the Arctic Council this year, it will be Canada’s turn to lead the Arctic nations, starting in May. Already, speculation is growing about what priorities Canada will be setting under its tenure, with the foci drifting between the environment, drilling, shipping and mineral resource development. In the next Read More…
Following the Aid Money
Gus Constantinou, the NATO Council’s UN commentator, discusses the Syrian refugee crisis, humanitarian aid and organizational inaction.
Friend or Foe? The Peculiarity of NATO-Russia Relations
In taking account of some recent events and interactions between the two sides, Aaron Willschick examines the peculiarity and unpredictability of the NATO-Russia relationship.