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Strategic Reserve

Media Advisory: Governor General to Invest 50 Recipients into the Order of Military Merit

His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, will preside over an Order of Military Merit investiture ceremony at Rideau Hall, on Tuesday, March 5, 2013, at 11 a.m.

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Maritime Nation Sarah Wang

Coming Full Circle: Canada’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council

Sarah Danruo Wang discusses Canada’s upcoming chairmanship of the Arctic Council and the major concerns that will pervade the Council’s agenda in 2013 The chairmanship of the Arctic Council will rotate to Canada in May 2013 for a two-year term. With participation from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States, this Read More…

Aaron Willschick Asia-Pacific Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

Looking Over Your Shoulder: NATO and the Rise of ‘Green on Blue’ Attacks in Afghanistan

Aaron Willschick looks at the increase of ‘green on blue attacks’ as the latest evidence that NATO’s best before date in Afghanistan is well past due.