Stephanie Oldfield Women in Security

Sexual violence and shame: How the symbolic marginalization of women infringes on their physical and social security (Part II)

What do societal behaviours tell us about the sustainance of structural violence against women? As second part of her 2 part series, Stephanie Oldfield discusses how women are subjected to human security constraints by shame.

Stephanie Oldfield Women in Security

Sexual Violence and Shame: How the symbolic marginalization of women infringes on their physical and social security (Part I )

How does sexual violence infringe on women’s physical and social security? In the first part of this series of 2 articles, Stephanie Oldfield explores how the culture of shame contributes to the impetus of rape and sexual assault.

Benson Cheung Global Horizons

How to DIY a Free (or Cheaper) “Degree” in IR, Part 2: Regional Concentrations

Part 1 of this series outlined the MOOC IR “degree” project and introduced courses about the basics of IR. This part builds on the foundational courses to suggest possible regional concentrations.   Middle East   No doubt the Middle East, in the throes of unrest and endless conflict, is one of the most important regions Read More…

Charlotte Provost Security, Trade and the Economy

CSR In India: Fostering ‘Responsible Growth’ Through Public-Private Partnerships

In 2014, India was the first country to enact a national law on Corporate Social Responsibility. Since then, the public and private sector have been partnering to transform India’s socio-economic landscape – or have they? Charlotte Provost discusses the potential ramifications of legitimizing CSR.

Anthony Galea Diplomatic Relations India Security, Trade and the Economy Trade

An Olive Branch Overdue: India, Pakistan and the Normalization of Trade

As emerging economies, India and Pakistan have a lot of potential to engage in beneficial trade. Anthony Galea examines their hostile relationship and what the countries stand to gain from a normalization of relations.

Expanding Community Kristyn Byrne

India Joining The Nuclear Suppliers Group: Should Exceptions be Made?

The United States is supporting India’s bid for membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group event though the state refuses to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Kristyn Byrne explores the political dynamics surrounding India’s possible entrance into this exclusive club.