Central Asia is the topic of discussion on this Editor’s Forum. NAOC interns weigh in on what they perceive to be the critical issues in the geopolitics facing this region and what they might mean for NATO in the years ahead.
Tag: Democracy
The Year that China Captured the Crocodile
Even if China did not facilitate the coup in Zimbabwe, there is no doubt that Beijing is now pulling the strings in the South African Dictatorship.
Is Dmitry Medvedev replaceable?
Due to his declining popularity, the fate of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is uncertain. Vladimir Putin could choose a new prime minister following the 2018 elections, as to preserve his own popularity and legitimacy.
The Internet of Things Will Be Marvelous and Frightening
The Internet of Things combined with Big Data presents a new paradigm that offers unprecedented potential for improving life, but also poses serious challenges for security, privacy, justice, and democracy.
Why is Venezuela in Crisis?
As protests continue and death tolls climb in Venezuela, Farah Bogani outlines what you need to know about the crisis.
Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum
Erdogan’s victory in the referendum shows the power of a leader channeling the national interest to take back the state. It is another expression of the populist trend sweeping across the Atlantic and the European continent and positions Erdogan closer to Nigel Farage, Donald Trump or Marine Le Pen than it does to Arab dictators in neighbouring Middle-Eastern countries.
Crisis in Macedonia: Democracy, Geopolitics, and Ethnic Tensions
Aidan Simardone explores the ongoing political crisis in Macedonia, its ramifications, and how countries in the Euro-Atlantic should respond.
Transnational Activism in Punjab Election Prompts a Reimagining of Political Boundaries
Non-Resident Indian involvement in the recent election in Punjab prompts a much needed discussion of the way transnational movements are reshaping and redefining political boundaries.
France’s 2017 Presidential Elections: An Overview
Who is likely to become France’s next president? With the first round of the elections set to take place on April 23, Léo-Paul Jacob provides an overview of the current situation.
Islam’s Relationship with Liberal Society
Members of Parliament recently debated a motion known as M-103 in the House of Commons, and its controversy speaks to a grander challenge facing liberal societies today.