Culture cyber security Defense Intelligence & National Security Peace & Security Rights Security Society Technology Uncategorized Victoria Heath Women Women in Security

The Suffragette Effect: Bonnie “the Trailblazer” Butlin

Bonnie Butlin, winner of Professional Magazine’s – 2015 Women in Security Award, challenges a male-dominated field, akin to Suffragettes before her.

Expanding Community Marta Canneri Uncategorized

Canadian Foreign Policy in the Federal Election: The Issues

The upcoming Munk Debate on Foreign Policy, Canada’s first-ever federal election debate devoted to foreign policy issues, is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 28. This is a welcome addition to the election debate schedule, according to Munk Debates Chair, Rudyard Griffiths, who issued a press release arguing “too often, foreign policy issues have Read More…

Eastern Europe and Russia Europe Human Rights Jenny Yang NGOs Palestine Rights The United States of America Uncategorized United Nations Women Women in Security women in security

Feminism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union

To understand the resistance to feminism in Eastern Europe, it is important to examine the evolution of the international women’s movement agenda against the backdrop of Cold War tensions.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Defense Global Governance Ian Goertz International Law & Policy International Relations Peace & Conflict Studies Security Technology Uncategorized United Nations

‘Killer Robots’ and the Future of Security

Ian is discussing the positive impacts that Artificial Intelligence and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems could play in the future of security and combat.