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Culture Defense Jordan NATO Security Sivan Ghasem Uncategorized Women Women in Security

NATO, Capacity Building, and Efforts to Develop Servicewomen in Jordan

Military culture across the world has gone through significant shifts. The male-dominated institution has made important strives in the last 20 years with regards to gender equality. In Canada, women have been participating in Canada’s military history for the last 100 years, but it was not until the year 2000 that all restrictions were lifted, Read More…

Energy & Resources Energy Security Europe Security, Trade and the Economy Uncategorized

Beyond the Southern Gas Corridor: Interconnecting Central/East Europe and the Balkans?

Following the August signing of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea, the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), a large-scale gas pipeline project that aspires to connect the region’s copious hydrocarbon resources to the European markets, has been drawn back into international debate.   The present article illuminates how the SGC enhances the Read More…

Diplomatic Relations Expanding Community Lee Williamson Saudi Arabia Society, Culture, and Security

What the Canada-Saudi Arabia Dispute Reveals About Canada’s Allies

On September 26, in the latest development in the ongoing diplomatic row between Canada and Saudi Arabia, the Saudi foreign minister, Adel Al-Juebir, asked that Canada stop treating his country “like a banana republic.” Al-Juebir repeated demands that the Government of Canada apologize for its August 2018 Tweets which called for the release of a Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security Julia Schaumer Security Terrorism

The Case of “The Toronto 18”: Interview with Former Undercover Operative Mubin Shaikh

In part two of a two-part interview series, Julia Schaumer interviews former undercover operative Mubin Shaikh about his involvement in foiling prospective terrorist attacks by “The Toronto 18”.

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Europe France Germany NATO Security Security, Trade and the Economy Taylor Allen The United States of America United Kingdom

Alternative Leadership in NATO

In this interesting publication, Taylor Allen forecasts the possibility of a NATO without American leadership amidst serious claims and criticisms from President Donald Trump.

Canada cyber security Intelligence & National Security NATO and Canada Russia

Russia, Cyber-warfare and Canada’s Democracy

In today’s day and age, the battlefields of war and the boundaries of conflict have changed significantly. Conflict can manifest in various forms – hot wars, cold wars, trade wars, and most recently cyberwar. Digital attacks have the capacity to cripple a states infrastructure from thousands of kilometers away. The internet has become a new Read More…