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Eastern Europe and Russia Kelly Rahardja Media Ukraine

Winter on Fire: Director Evgeny Afineevsky Discusses His Latest Film

Kelly Rahardja sits down with Evgeny Afineevsky, director of Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom. His documentary about the 2013-14 Maidan protests in Ukraine won the People’s Choice Documentary Award at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Defence Spending Defense Development Jonas Becker Naval Issues Naval Modernization Procurement Search and Rescue Security Technology The Arctic

New From the Old: The Defence Acquisition Guide (Part III of IV)

In the third of a four part series, Jonas considers the Defence Acquisition Guide and its potential impact on the future capabilities of the Canadian Forces

Canada Development Diplomatic Relations Expanding Community Investment Paul Pryce Scandinavia Security, Trade and the Economy The Arctic The United States of America

The Port of Iqaluit (or Kimmirut): Nunavut’s Lifeline

Funding has been announced for a new deepwater port in Iqaluit, but Paul Pryce questions whether this is the best location for Nunavut’s future prosperity.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Defense Global Governance Ian Goertz International Law & Policy International Relations Peace & Conflict Studies Security Technology Uncategorized United Nations

‘Killer Robots’ and the Future of Security

Ian is discussing the positive impacts that Artificial Intelligence and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems could play in the future of security and combat.

Canada Defence Spending Defense Development Investment Jonas Becker NATO Naval Issues Naval Modernization Procurement Security Technology The Arctic

Domestic Protectionism and the Value Preposition Guide (Part II of IV)

In the second of a four part series, Jonas looks at the implications of an important part of the Defence Procurement Plan, the domestically oriented Value Preposition Guide