As the world marks the centenary of the First World War, Justin Fantauzzo considers the long-term legacy of the war in the Middle East.
International Law & Policy
Criticism and Secrecy of the Trans Pacific Partnership
Piotr Zulauf examines the issues surrounding the landmark Trans Pacific Partnership deal currently under negotiation.
Ebola Part 1: 2014 Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever in Western Africa
Kyle Chatterson delves into the reality of the current Ebola outbreak, and presents the facts being hidden by the current media sensationalism.
L’interdiction de manifestations pro-palestiniennes en France : faisons la part des choses
Tina Bouffet nous dresse un bilan de l’interdiction par la France de certaines manifestations pro-palestiniennes ainsi que de la réaction démesurée de la presse étrangère.
Combating the Spread of International Diseases: The International Health Regulations
Alex Grigg explains the current state of international health regulations, and what has shaped them up to this point.
NATO’s Much Needed Status Quo: Pre-Emptive Response
David Hunter discusses NATO moving to a more proactive role in defense of member nations.
The Rise of Anti-Interventionism in Public Opinion
Malcolm McEachern discusses whether or not the arguable rise of anti-interventionism in public opinion impacts states’ foreign policies.
The Dalai Lama: An Ambiguous Figure in Sino-Tibetan Relations
James Keeling examines the role played by the Dalai Lama in Sino-Tibetan relations following the May 1951 Seventeen-Point Agreement.
Following the Silk Road Seizure
Kyle Chatterson follows the trail of the Silk Road bitcoins seized by the FBI.
The Price of Complacency
David Hunter examines the cost of falling defense expenditures.