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Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Jayson Derow

An Uncertain Future: American Involvement in European Security Through NATO

With the rise of Russian aggression, the US must be willing to act multilaterally with its European partners and be able to project stability beyond its own borders. Jayson Derow discusses the vital interests of the US in a Europe that is democratic, stable, robust, and undivided.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Edward Tat Iraq ISIS Islamic State Kurds Kurds

Interview with Ian Bradbury: Daesh’s collapse, the Kurds, and Iraq today

Edward Tat interviews Ian Bradbury, founder of the 1st New Allied Expeditionary Force, on the deteriorating situation in post-Daesh Iraq and the subsequent need for peace-building and deradicalization efforts.

Sabrina Natale Women in Security

Part 2: Addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Humanitarian Emergencies

SGBV occurs globally and is consistently underreported, but it is particularly rampant in societies rooted in gender inequality and traditional, patriarchal norms. In humanitarian emergencies, risks and vulnerabilities of all sorts are extremely high.

Global Horizons Uncategorized

La traite d’êtres humains : un fléau mondial qui continue d’inquiéter et de mobiliser la communauté internationale

Le 14 novembre dernier, CNN diffusait sur sa chaîne un reportage sur des migrants africains vendus comme esclaves en Lybie. Un reportage choc qui a permis de dénoncer une nouvelle fois les atrocités vécus par de nombreux migrants, et qui, plus largement nous rappelle que la traite d’êtres humains est loin d’avoir disparue.   Une Read More…