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Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uncategorized

Reviewing Russian-Canadian Bilateral Relations

Demyan Plakhov analyzes the current bilateral relationship between Canada and Russia. He outlines areas of discontent that have increased tensions between the two countries, but also indicates certain areas of cooperation where Canada and Russia could find potential diplomatic footing. Demyan’s recommendations provide Canada with potential solutions in reducing bilateral tensions and create a foundation for a diplomatic future.”

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Turkey, Georgia, and Energy Security

European energy security, especially the diversification of sources of supply of natural gas, increasingly depends on the South Caucasus countries of Georgia and Azerbaijan. Russia is building the NordStream Two and TurkStream pipelines in order to secure European Union (EU) dependence on Russian gas for decades to come. Because of its unique geographical situation, Georgia Read More…

Global Governance Global Horizons International Law & Policy International Relations Legal Editor NATO Peace & Security Projecting Politics Taylor Allen

Reworking the legal frameworks of the North Atlantic Treaty

Does NATO’s legal framework need updating? Analyst and program editor Taylor Allen seeks to address this fundamental question amidst criticisms of the organizations relevance and effectiveness.