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NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Missing The Forests For Their Trees: Defence Spending In The NATO Alliance

Mainstream media fixates on the 2% of GDP benchmark for defence spending among NATO allies when it comes to determining their commitment and contribution to the alliance as a whole. Willow Hillman discussed why focusing on this specific measure distracts allies from pursuing capability-based measures of alliance contributions.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats India Pakistan

Escalating tensions between India and Pakistan necessitate closer look at Kashmir crisis

On February 14th, a suicide bomber affiliated with the militant organization Jaish-e-Mohammed killed more than 40 Indian paramilitary personnel in the Pulwama district of Indian-administered Kashmir. Accusing Pakistan of facilitating the attack, India launched an airstrike on Tuesday, marking the first time that warplanes have crossed the de facto border between the two countries in Read More…

Energy Security Robert M. Cutler and Harald Malmgren

Implementing a Security Strategy for Georgia

This article focuses on defence and security issues on the one hand and, on the other hand, on the related questions of the economy, trade and energy. These are two of the four issue-areas that the U.S.–Georgia Charter on Strategic Partnership, established in 2009, identified as priority areas of the bilateral cooperation. The others are democracy and cultural exchanges.