With cuts to defence spending excpected in the 2013 Federal Budget, what implications could this hold for future Canadian deployments abroad?
4. Programs
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The Canadian Officers’ Training Corps – An Imperial History
Tim Feller on the historical significance of The Canadian Officers’ Training Corps programme.
The UAE, a New International “Silk Road”, Requires Sophisticated Counter-Piracy Efforts
As a special to Piracy Daily, Andrew Moulder discusses the international importance of the United Arab Emirates as a vital gateway for emerging markets and the importance of sophisticated counter-piracy efforts.
New Canadians Invited to Put on a Uniform
Robert Baines discusses the new “Discover Canada” guide recently released by the government of Canada and the inclusion of information on the Canadian Forces Reserves.
Ottawa Citizen: TV Documentary Looks At Building The Bond Between Canadian Forces and Civilians
Recovering Our Honour airs on ichannel from Monday April 8 to Thursday April 11 at 9 pm and Midnight ET
April 23: Maritime Security Roundtable
Please join us on April 23, for a discussion of the challenges posed by Maritime Piracy. Lieutenant Commander Scott Robinson will discuss his experiences from his many tours at sea, ranging from sovereignty patrols in the Arctic to anti-piracy deployments off the Horn of Africa.
May 8, 2013 – Drones Roundtable
Please join us on May 8, 2013, for a discussion on the role of drones in wartime with Charles Barlow, President of Zariba Security. Drawing on his experiences abroad, Charles will touch on some of the tactical, strategic, moral and legal issues surrounding robots in war.
The Search for Maritime Security Conference: Security on the Great Lakes
The NATO Council’s Maritime Security Program Presents: “From Sea to Sea: the Search for Maritime Security” May 30th, 2012 Security on the Great Lakes by Rear-Admiral Michael Parks As a nation surrounded by three oceans and the great lakes, Canada’s maritime security has been of preeminent importance throughout the country’s history. A secure marine Read More…
Photo Album: Securing Canada’s Energy Future – March 21st
On March 21st, the NATO Council of Canada hosted a discussion of Canada’s Energy Security at the Canadian Forces College
Stumbling Colossus? A Brief Assessment of The North Korean Military Threat
In the face of North Korea’s bellicose rhetoric, experts have offered alarming analyses of the strength of the country’s military capabilities. Just how credible is the threat posed by North Korean conventional forces?