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Society, Culture, and Security Thomas Lee

A Choice for Turkey

This January, Turkey’s parliament passed a series of constitutional amendments that would drastically expand the powers of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Slated for a national referendum in April, Thomas Lee discusses the potential implications of President Erdoğan’s new powers, and the impact they could have on the future of the country’s democracy, security, and multilateral relations.

Ida Männistö Society, Culture, and Security Uncategorized

Can a Universal Basic Income Program Mitigate the Consequences Fuelled by the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Automation, the fourth industrial revolution, is threatening countries with high unemployment. Is a Universal Basic Income Program able to mitigate that risk?

Lex et Orbis Sabrina Natale

Victory by any means? Part 1: Rules of War & Humanitarian Law

In times of war and armed conflicts, what are the legal and ethical standards that must be upheld to ensure the dignity and human rights of all peoples? In Part 1 of this article, Sabrina Natale provides an analysis into the ICRC rules of war and International Humanitarian Law.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Nabil Bhatia

The Other Extremism: Far-Right Movements and Vigilantism in Canada

The recent tragedy in Quebec highlighted the severity of the threat posed by far-right movements and vigilantism in Canada. Nabil Bhatia analyzes the magnitude and organizational structure of far-right extremist groups in Canada, and suggests necessary steps that the Canadian government should take.