Operation Unifier, both a symbol and practical tool of Ukrainian-Canadian military cooperation has been active since 2015. In this article, Isabelle Ava-Pointon argues that this mission, due to end in March 2019, should clearly be extended, due to increasing tensions in the area, upcoming election in Ukraine and a need for greater shows of solidarity and cooperation around the world.
NATO and Canada
Since its inception in 1949, Canada has played an integral role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its numerous military and non-military engagements. As a founding member, Canada’s involvement over the past 70 years has varied from troop deployment and training in Europe during much of the Cold War, to activity abroad in places like Afghanistan and Libya. The articles in the NATO and Canada program examine NATO’s operational history and Canada’s role from a multitude of perspectives. The NATO Association of Canada aims to supply Canadians with a greater insight into the inner workings of this long-standing alliance and its Canadian contributions.
Testing NATO’s limits: Actionable Policy vs. Deterrence and Soft Power
Is NATO doing enough? In this comprehensive piece, analyst and program editor Taylor Allen critically analyzes bilateral relations between NATO and Russia amidst growing tensions over the past decade.
Iron Wolf and Scorpion Fury: Increased Readiness and Mobility for NATO
In this article, Sivan Ghasem examines the latest two NATO exercises that Canada has contributed to.
A Tale of Two Salmans
Thirty years after the “Satanic Verses” controversy, the transnational threat to freedom of speech and the press is more acute than ever. The recent murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi – likely orchestrated by Saudi Arabia – is a case in point. So far, the pressure has been on Washington to punish Saudi Arabia, but Justin Dell argues that this issue is too combustable to be left to bilateral relations. What is needed is a broader multilateral approach, first to holding Saudi Arabia responsible for Khashoggi’s murder, and then to uphold the universal values of freedom of speech and expression. Only then can some kind of justice be obtained without risking the further destabilization of the Middle East.
What has Canada Contributed to NATO?
What has Canada Contributed to NATO? In this article Sivan Ghasem examines Canada’s role in the development of NATO’s political consultations and the lasting impact of their continued commitment in NATO operations.
Trident Juncture: NATO’s 2018 Military Exercise
Junior Research Fellow Sivan Ghasem overviews Canada’s involvement in NATO’s 2018 Trident Juncture exercise.
Woodrow Wilson and World War I, One Hundred Years On
On the centenary of the end of World War I, people from democratic societies should look back and appreciate how much they have benefited from the rules-based international order that was proposed by Woodrow Wilson after that conflict. Justin Dell looks at what the world stands to lose if Wilson’s legacy is discarded in favour of a return to an anarchic world of great-power rivalry.
Patrolling the High North: Canada’s Procurement of AOPS
Junior Research Fellow Lee Williamson analyzes the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship program procurement initiative, its criticisms and ultimately its purpose for Canada.
Halloween Special Report: What “The Walking Dead” Can Teach Us About The Rules-Based International Order
AMC’s hit television show has brought some of the age-old questions about order and governance into popular consciousness, Justin Dell explains.
Interview with acting Romanian Consul General Daniel Ene on NATO Air policing and the impact of multilateral organizations on international relations
In an Interview with acting Romanian Consul General Daniel Ene, Taylor Allen discusses NATO Air policing and the impact of multilateral organizations on international relations