A list of authors, past and present

Kyle MacDonald

Canadian Military Mission in Mali: Not an Option

[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”http://www.fco.gov.uk/content/en/travel-advice/sub-sahara-africa/mali/749677882″ captiontext=””] The head of the African Union is petitioning NATO nations to send forces to Mali to expel Al-Qaeda-linked fighters, who have overtaken the north of the county. He warned that convoys of Islamist extremists advancing on government-held towns represent a looming threat to the world. Without a moment of Read More…

Nicholas Bishop

In stark contrast to some of the more scandal prone political leaders the world has come to know, Jose Mujica, age 77 and president of Uruguay since 2009 leads a quiet, austere lifestyle on a farm just outside Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital city. He donates as much as 90% of his monthly presidential salary of $12,500 Read More…

Expanding Community Kelly Stephens

Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird Travels to Morocco for Friends of Syria Meeting

John Baird traveled to Africa yesterday, the sixth such visit during his time as Minister of Foreign Affairs. He will be attending the Friends of Syria meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco tomorrow, a group of nations who support regime change in Syria.