This article is the second installment of a three part series on Canadian Foreign Policy. The initial background piece can be found here. Activity and Association Bilateral free trade agreements are a good indication of principal power. Canada currently has six bilateral free trade agreements with Colombia, Peru, the European Free Trade Association, Costa Rica, Chile, Read More…
5. Authors of the NCC
A list of authors, past and present
New Canadians Invited to Put on a Uniform
Robert Baines discusses the new “Discover Canada” guide recently released by the government of Canada and the inclusion of information on the Canadian Forces Reserves.
Bloodsport: The Human Impulse for War and Modern Sport
Tim Feller on why war still pulsates through cultures.
The “End” of NATO? The Alliance and Its Role in the 21st Century
In a response to J.L. Granastein’s recent article on NATO’s role in today’s security landscape, Aaron Willschick argues that Granastein’s argument is compelling yet flawed and that NATO can still serve an important role going forward.
Stumbling Colossus? A Brief Assessment of The North Korean Military Threat
In the face of North Korea’s bellicose rhetoric, experts have offered alarming analyses of the strength of the country’s military capabilities. Just how credible is the threat posed by North Korean conventional forces?
An Unlikely Alliance: Ukraine and NATO in the Battle Against Maritime Piracy
Aaron Willschick examines the unlikely partnership between Ukraine and NATO on maritime piracy, but warns that the former Soviet state has a long way to go if it wishes to be accepted into the West.
Securing Canada’s Energy Future: Round Table on Nuclear Energy
This round table will feature two nuclear industry experts, conversing on the major issues and prospects facing the nuclear industry today.
A Tale of Two Treaties – Italy v. India
Over a year ago, on February 15, 2012, two Italian marines on board the oil tanker Enrica Lexie, shot and killed two Indian fishermen off the coast of the Arabian Sea near the Indian state of Kerala. A series of events that followed in the past year has now led to the Indian government’s refusal Read More…
Trading Humans for Robots: The Battle Against Roadside Bombs in Afghanistan and Iraq
Aaron Willschick takes a look at the technological evolution of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars and the use of bomb ‘sniffing’ robots that are saving the lives of many soldiers.
International Condemnation of the North Korean Nuclear Test: Firmness in the Face of Insanity?
On February 12, 2013, North Korea conducted its third nuclear test. This article examines North Korean actions and rhetoric in the aftermath of the test, and the impact of international sanctions.