A list of authors, past and present

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Jeremy Paquin

Friends in Low Places: North Koreans in the Syrian Civil War?

According to unconfirmed reports, North Korean soldiers have been aiding the Syrian government against opposition forces. Jeremy Paquin explains how military co-operation between the two unlikely allies has been going on for the past several decades, culminating in today’s Syrian conflict.

Adam Feldman Andi Asimetaj Editors' Forum Layla Wahbi Natasha Dobrijevic

Should the White House Veto the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA)?

Should 9/11 survivors and victims’ families be able to sue Saudi Arabia for damages? For this week’s Editors’ Forum, we asked the NAOC Program Editors whether the White House should veto the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), which recently passed through the Senate and awaits a hearing and vote in the House of Representatives.

Lira Loloci Operations

The Highlights of NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Tirana- Defense, Stability & Cooperation

With The Warsaw Summit right around the corner, Lira Loloci gives us the highlights of NATO Parliamentary Assembly held in Tirana from 27-30 May. With defense, stability and cooperation high on the agenda of policy-makers, the member countries are expected to comply and help the Alliance address its 21st century challenges.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Pierre-Olivier Bussieres

Resource Wars: Actors, Stakes, and What to Expect for the Coming Years

Terrorist organizations are increasingly converting to racketeering and rent-seeking, essentially disputing governments’ key role in distributing resources. Pierre-Olivier Bussieres discusses the security implications of price volatility in natural resources.