A list of authors, past and present

Canadian Armed Forces Matthew Sherlock-Hubbard

After Afghanistan: The Canadian Army Reserve and the Challenges Ahead

The 2016 Auditor General’s Report identifies under-manning and preparedness as alarming obstacles for the Canadian Army Reserves. Matthew Sherlock-Hubbard discusses why it is essential that Reservists, at a minimum, need to be enabled with the capacity and cooperation to fulfill the mandate assigned to them.

Canadian Armed Forces Jayson Derow

‘Sunny Ways’ in Dark Days: A Reality Check on Trudeau’s Responsibility to Protect in Iraq and Syria

Prime Minister Trudeau’s ‘sunny ways’ will prove to be ineffective against an enemy that explicitly demonstrates a complete disregard for human life. Jayson Derow discusses why Canada has a ‘Responsibility to Protect’ the religious minorities of Iraq and Syria by taking the battle to ISIS through strategic and targeted airstrikes.

Expanding Community Sonia Liang

Security in the Nordics, Part I of II: Finno-Russian Relations in an Era of Instability

Part I of this series examines Finland’s efforts to keep relations with Russia open and pragmatic at the same time as she pursues closer cooperation with NATO. Stay tuned for Part II, which evaluates the Swedish perspective on Baltic security