A list of authors, past and present

Elise Wagner Lex et Orbis

The History of Defining Justice: How International Law Is Being Used to Right Past Wrongs

Palestine has indicated that it wants to take legal action against Britain for the 1917 Balfour Declaration that lead to the creation of Israel. As historical reparations cases become more common, what does this mean for our understanding of international justice?

Jayson Derow Operations

Empty Threats or an Unsettling Reality? Why Statistics Should not Represent the Impact of Terrorism

Although statistics are able to present data in a way that shows an event as less probable of occurring, Jayson Derow discusses why the uncertainty of time and place that accompanies ISIS’ threats should not be dismissed by Western societies.

Expanding Community Zhikica Pagovski

The Nice Attack: Another Call to Invoke NATO’s Article 5

In two separate Fox News interviews several hours after the terrorist attack in Nice on July 14, 2016 , both presumptive candidates for the U.S. presidency suggested a mobilization of NATO in the war against ISIS. Zhikica Pagovski explores the Nice Attack can justify for action to be taken under NATO’s Article 5.

Elise Wagner Lex et Orbis

Growing Pains: The International Criminal Court, the African Union, and the Kampala Accords

The successful ratification of the Kampala Accords means the International Criminal Court will be able to charge leaders with the crime of aggression but trouble continues for the court as member states of the African Union publicly voice their discontent.