Recent News

“NATO’s 2% Spending Minimum. Will Canada Ever Make It?”

On April 8th, 2024, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a new federal investment plan in defence spending for the 2024 federal budget. The “Our North: Strong and Free” defence policy update proposed to raise Canada’s defence spending-to-GDP ratio to 1.76% by 2029-30, amounting to $8.1 billion over five years, and $73 billion over 20 years, in new Read More…

To CFIS or not CFIS: Canada’s Foreign Intelligence Service Quandary

International and Security Benefits of an Active Canadian Role in Venezuela

NATO Historical Series – Winning the Cold War

Summer 2023 NATO Association of Canada-Canadian Army Journal Co-Publication Released

Canada’s Need For A Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian And Chinese Threats

On August 26, 2022, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about Russia and China’s investments and intentions to build military, commercial, and industrial capacities in the Arctic. This is not new information. Russia and China made their Arctic strategies publicly available in 2009 and 2018, respectively. News articles frequently detail their interests and successes in the region. Despite this, Canada has Read More…

Rogue Allies: A Partnership of Desperation, Russia and North Korea

Less Words, More Action: How Canada Can Bolster Its Support For Hong Kong (PART 2)

China’s Ascendance: Its History And Hazards – Who Does Hong Kong Belong To? China’s Domestic Struggles

Action is Needed and Words Won’t Suffice: Why Canada Must Bolster Its Support for Hong Kong (PART 1)

Polarization Blues

Despite the world being interconnected in a way it has never been, civilization finds itself torn apart by civil strife and disagreement. “Polarization” is the word of the day, and it has hit Canada hard. Recent years have seen the issue reflected in the rise of hate crimes, distrust of the government, and general violence. Read More…

An Explanation of Western and Russian Interests and Aims in the Francophone West African “Coup Belt”

Snow-Washing Dirty Money in Canada

Civil War [In Review]: The Role of the War Time Journalist.

In Review: Lessons from Longpath

A feminist approach to navigating a world in flux.

VUCA. An acronym commonly used by organizational leaders within the business environment has now become all too relevant in the context of international affairs. V. Volatile. U. Uncertain. C. Complex. A. Ambiguous. This is the state that humanity currently finds itself in. Ranging from realities such as increasing levels of political polarization to the rise Read More…

The Current Israel-Palestine Conflict Requires Moral Clarity 

The Societal and Political Treatment of Women in Politics

The Power of Women in Peacekeeping and its Promise for Security

Criminalizing Gender Apartheid: the Solution to the Oppression of Women?

Bridging Shortfalls: An Analysis of the Strategic Exchange between Russia and Iran    

Amidst the tumult of conflict in Ukraine and instability in the Middle East, the partnership between Russia and Iran is at a historic juncture and is ripe for potential multifaceted cooperation. With Western sanctions, defence production and supply vulnerabilities persist for both these states, which seek to advance their respective interests and authoritarian model of Read More…

A Breakdown of the United States’ $61 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine and Lessons for Canada

What Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Honourable Pierre Poilievre Can Learn From a Rightwing Libertarian’s Presidential Election Victory in Argentina

Special Report: The Battle Behind the Production, Russia’s Defence Industry and the Paradigm of its Strategic Advantage in the Land Domain

Which Sectors Stand to Gain From Dollarization in Argentina?

The Missing Element to Navigating the Threat of AI

November 30, 2022 marked a turning point in the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI). On this day, a new technology known as ChatGPT landed in the hands of the public. Launched as an interactive chatbot by AI research and deployment company, OpenAI, the tool quickly initiated a cascade of exponential technological advancement that took society Read More…

The Geopolitical Ramifications of Cyber Attacks on Canadian Energy Grids

The Russia-Ukraine War’s INF Angle

Radical Right Politics in Europe: Poland

The Next Pandemic: Is Canada Ready?

Mapping Russian Disinformation Narratives And Their Influence Across Europe In The Face Of The 2024 European Parliament Election

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the threat of pro-Kremlin disinformation in Europe has become a matter of increasingly pressing concern. This is particularly true for NATO members that provide Ukraine with significant military and humanitarian aid. Between February and March of 2022, Russia’s state budget for mass media increased by 433 percent, as “the audience and reach Read More…

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms vs. Vaccine Mandates in the Canadian Armed Forces

Summer 2023 NATO Association of Canada-Canadian Army Journal Co-Publication Released

Navigating Hybrid Warfare: Understanding the Threat and Taking Action

Hybrid Threats in the Western Balkans: Implications for NATO and Transnational Security

In this series, the NATO Association of Canada in partnership with the NATO Research Group out of the University of Toronto, explore issues related to security, prosperity, and the international rules-based order.

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Special Publication

Special Publication

The NATO Association of Canada in partnership with the Canadian Army Journal (CAJ) announces the release of Cutting through the Haze: Grey Zone Operations and Contemporary Threats, eds. Christopher Maternowski and Aditi Malhotra (Summer 2023).

An inaugural collaboration between the NATO Association of Canada and the CAJ, this volume provides perspectives on issues relevant to grey zone operations and other topics from experts within the North American defence and security community. The volume emphasizes the growing importance of the grey zone and the role of defence innovation in grey zone and conventional operations.

Special Publication

Special Publication

The NATO Association of Canada has released its Winter 2023 special publication.

In Navigating a Global Crisis: Climate Change and NATO, ed. Christopher Maternowski, leading authorities offer insights on what rising temperatures mean for international security and NATO. The volume explores the many ways in which climate change constitutes an urgent concern for the international community and a threat on which NATO and other intergovernmental organizations must increasingly collaborate and act.

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