Clara Lachman is a storyteller and Future Generations Voice with an aspiration to contribute to a future of flourishing. At a time when the global world order is fraying, she believes a new story is needed to transition humanity towards a state of global peace, trust and prosperity. In line with her purpose, Clara is currently completing a Junior Research Fellowship with the NATO Association of Canada, writing for the Society, Culture, and Security program. Leveraging her 5+ years of combined experience in public policy, legal studies, and the science of well-being, she takes an innovative approach in intersecting diverse fields to propose policy solutions to contribute to a better tomorrow. In her free time, Clara actively speaks to topics including human and planetary flourishing, the future of democracy and governance, exponential technologies and ethics, meaning 3.0, augmented humanity, and women, peace and security. Clara can be reached at: and
Clara Lachman Society, Culture, and Security

Summit of the Future: What to Know

On July 1, 1944, 730 delegates from 44 nations convened at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire to discuss a path of recovery following the tragedies of the Great Depression and the Second World War. With attendance from Allied countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, India, and China, delegates Read More…

Clara Lachman Society, Culture, and Security

In Review: Lessons from Longpath

“In a time that is sooner than we think, we will be [our descendants’] ancient past, their history. What will they write about us?” This is the question posed by Ari Wallach in Longpath: Becoming the Great Ancestors Our Future Needs, the author’s manifesto for advancing humanity. While Wallach’s book may fall outside the typical Read More…

Clara Lachman Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

The Missing Element to Navigating the Threat of AI

November 30, 2022 marked a turning point in the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI). On this day, a new technology known as ChatGPT landed in the hands of the public. Launched as an interactive chatbot by AI research and deployment company, OpenAI, the tool quickly initiated a cascade of exponential technological advancement that took society Read More…

Clara Lachman Society, Culture, and Security

The Polycrisis: Behind the Buzzword

Last year, a new buzzword gained significant traction across the international community. Referred to as the “polycrisis,” this key term started circulating across media publications and research institutes before finding its way to the Swiss Alps, where it took center stage. At the 53rd World Economic Forum Annual Meeting held in Davos—a flagship conference dedicated Read More…

Clara Lachman Society, Culture, and Security

Continuing Navalny’s fight: towards a Democratic Russia.

It’s been over two months since Alexei Navalny died in prison. Internationally recognized as Vladimir Putin’s leading critic, Navalny led a bold and courageous journey of challenging the corruption of the Kremlin. In 2011, he founded the Anti-Corruption Foundation to expose the government’s deceitful activities and actively led protests rallying against Putin’s regime. Navalny believed Read More…

Clara Lachman Society, Culture, and Security Women in Security

A feminist approach to navigating a world in flux.

VUCA. An acronym commonly used by organizational leaders within the business environment has now become all too relevant in the context of international affairs. V. Volatile. U. Uncertain. C. Complex. A. Ambiguous. This is the state that humanity currently finds itself in. Ranging from realities such as increasing levels of political polarization to the rise Read More…

Clara Lachman Society, Culture, and Security

Forever Putin? The Greater Implications of Russia’s Election Results.

A fifth term secured in power. Another six years claimed as the country’s head of state. On track to becoming the Kremlin’s longest serving leader since Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Welcome to the world of Mr. Vladimir Putin. Last month, Russia held its eighth presidential election, although it was predetermined who would emerge victorious. Yet, Read More…