Africa Asia-Pacific Canada Defense Eastern Europe and Russia Health Human Rights Islamic State Latin America North Korea Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Refugee Rights Security Society The Middle East and North Africa Uncategorized Victoria Heath Women Women in Security

“Little Ladies Shouldn’t Play With Swords”

Victoria looks at the reality in the fantasy world of Game of Thrones. Women in both the show and reality, are often used as pawns in war and conflict.

Afghanistan Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Development Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Expanding Community Global Governance Hasan Siddiqui International Relations Investment NATO Naval Issues Naval Issues Naval Modernization Peace & Conflict Studies Peace & Security Procurement Russia Security Technology The Arctic Uncategorized

Bearing Down: Modernizing Russia’s Armed Forces

Hasan Siddiqui articulates Russia’s military ambitions, contextualizes it within the broader geopolitical situation in Europe as well as analysing NATO’s attitude towards it.

Colin McEwen Development Editors' Forum Hasan Siddiqui Iraq Islamic State NATO Security Stefan Konrad Syria Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America Victoria Heath

The Iraqi Army: Gaining or Losing Ground?

Our Program Editors debate whether the Iraqi Army (and the militias), alongside the US-led coalition, are actually making progress in the fight against IS.

Culture Health Human Rights International Law & Policy Italy migration Nigeria Peace & Security Rights Security Seema Kawar Society Uncategorized Women Women in Security

From Benin City to the Shores of Italy: A New Hub of Human Trafficking

Seema explores the hidden world of human trafficking of Nigerian women into Italy, who are subsequently forced into the sex trade.

Canadian Armed Forces Defense NATO Rights Security Victoria Heath Women in Security

“Three Leafs” for the Woman In Blue: Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross

Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross becomes the first “three leaf” general in the Canadian Armed Forces. This appointment comes alongside the uncovered reports of sexual misconduct in the CF.

Africa Asia-Pacific Canada Defense Eastern Europe and Russia Latin America NATO North Korea Peace & Conflict Studies Rights Security Society The Arctic The Middle East and North Africa The United States of America Uncategorized Victoria Heath Women Women in Security

I’m a Steamroller Baby, and I Wear Camo Too

Victoria examines the role of women in the military through an interactive presentation. Take a virtual stroll through several countries and learn about the women who are shattering stereotypes.