Cyber Security and Emerging Threats NATO and Canada NATO Operations Naz Gocek

Insights from “New Perspectives on Shared Security”

As NATO commemorates its 70th anniversary, it’s vital to think about the alliance’s future while celebrating its past and present. Last week, I had the opportunity to attend an event on the future of NATO in Washington DC, organized by the Hudson Institute, in partnership with NATO’s Public Diplomacy and Policy Planning Unit with the Read More…

Sedrik Pocuch Women in Security

Saudi Arabia’s Appalling Record on Women’s Rights

The case of Rahaf Mohammed, who risked her life to flee Saudi Arabia in January, reminded the world that women in Saudi Arabia suffer from tremendous amounts of abuse and are willing to risk their lives in order to escape from violence at home. Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia are extremely limited compared to those Read More…

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Naz Gocek Uncategorized

Ukraine’s New President and NATO

The second decade of the 21st century has been defined by the rise of political newcomers in Europe as mavericks like Emmanuel Macron, Beppe Grillo and Zuzana Caputova have successfully challenged incumbent politicians. Now, the club has a new member: the recently elected president of Ukraine, comedian Volodymyr Zelensky. He won the runoff election against Read More…

Joseph McQuade NATO NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Review of Enduring Alliance: A History of NATO and the Postwar Global Order by Timothy Andrews Sayle

NATO is currently at a crossroads, with tensions brewing between allies and some critics questioning the very basis of the alliance’s existence. As Timothy Andrews Sayle demonstrates in his magisterial new book Enduring Alliance: A History of NATO and the Postwar Global Order (Cornell University Press, 2019), these challenges are in fact nothing new. Throughout Read More…

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Naz Gocek Operations Uncategorized

General Wolters Replaces Senator Scaparrotti as Supreme Allied Commander Europe

When people talk about NATO, they often refer to the Alliance as a unitary actor that supports certain values and undertakes specific actions. Sometimes they discuss the policies of its member states. There is nothing wrong with referring to NATO as a single actor or as a group of states; an alliance is meant to Read More…

Canadian Armed Forces Farzin Bakhtiar NATO and Canada Uncategorized

Canada in the Korean War: A Day of Remembrance

The first proxy war of the Cold War broke out roughly 69 years ago today, on June 25th, 1950, with the invasion of North Korea onto South Korea across the 38th parallel. It was not until the election of Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent in 1948 that Canada changed its character towards Korea and the Read More…

NATO and Canada Sedrik Pocuch

Canada’s Relationship to NATO Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS)

In late February 2019, India and Pakistan engaged in a series of aerial border skirmishes. This conflict is historic in that it was the first time two opposing military forces used airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft against each other. The primary function of this type of aircraft is surveillance: monitoring, detecting, and tracking Read More…

Basel Ammane Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Farzin Bakhtiar NATO and Canada

Operation IMPACT: A Sit-Down with Brigadier-General Colin Keiver

Operation IMPACT is currently the largest deployed operation in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The operation consists of Canada’s contribution to global efforts to defeat the threat of Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. It consists of two phases. The first entailed reversing the territorial gain of Daesh, while the Read More…